‘Tis the season. And if you’re a kid, ‘tis the season of receiving.’ Little Jason had a laser focus on presents from the moment the Sears Christmas Wish Book crossed the threshold of the Marshall house. Page corners were bent. Toys circled in Magic Marker. And the catalogue could be found strategically placed on the kitchen...
Tag - Jason Marshall
The Little Things By Jason Marshall The human mind is a mystery. Especially mine. I went to the store to get three things yesterday: milk, bread and butter. Who needs a written list when there are only three items to pick up? Evidently, I do. I came home with chocolate milk, bacon and a small cheesecake. The mystery of my brain...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall I’m a big believer that all things happen for a reason. I truly am. No matter how unfair or painful something seems, my view is that it was meant to be. I may not fully comprehend why it happened, but it’s all part of the universe’s master plan. Maybe it’s an age thing. The older I get...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall On my fridge door there’s a photo of my mom on her wedding day and I walk by it every day. I usually take a passing glance. A quick look. But looking and seeing are not the same. Today I stood and stared at that picture and here’s what I saw: A wide-eyed optimistic girl. Her smile full of joy...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall Followers. Shares. Likes. Views. Friends. Sadly, people gauge their self-worth and value on these social media buzz words. How many Twitter followers do you have? Instagram shares? How about views on YouTube? Likes on TikTok? Tell me how many Facebook friends you have. Why should it matter...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall Each time we add a candle to a birthday cake, it doesn’t make us smarter. It only guarantees light-headedness from trying to blow them all out at once. Life experience comes with age. That translates to knowledge. You almost pass out from blowing out candles this year. So, next year you buy...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall It’s been a while since I’ve taken pen to paper to write you. If memory serves, my last few letters included an ask for a Stretch Armstrong doll, a new pair of skates and a hockey stick. And some Matchbox cars. And I’m pretty sure I’d jotted down how much I’d love a jumbo box of Crayola...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall Vampires lurking in the shadows. Zombies lumbering along under a full moon. Eight bucks for a bag of microscopic chocolate bars. Man, Halloween sure is a scary time of year. As a kid, October was about one thing: trick-or-treating on the 31st. And you only had two worries: finding the perfect...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall Insight from Embrace It Road Losing your first baby tooth. There’s the first day of school. Then the training wheels come off your bike. And you tie your own shoes for the first time. You’re growing up. And landmark moments keep coming, some not so joyous. Need I remind you of prom night when...
The Little Things By Jason Marshall Remember in the early 80s when magician David Copperfield made the Statute of Liberty disappear? We all looked on in awe as POOF! It vanished before our very eyes. Impressive in retrospect, but times change. Fast forward 40 years, and we’re all David Copperfield. At least when it’s time to...