Tag - animal chatter

Just Say No to Cosmetic Procedures on Pets

Animal Chatter By Iris Winston Think about the pain you would feel to have the first joint of each of your fingers removed. Consider the discomfort associated with cosmetic procedures — even if you made the decision that the surgery would be worthwhile. Animals don’t have any say in the matter of surgery inflicted upon them...

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Consider This: Is it safe? Is he comfortable and happy?

Animal Chatter By Iris Winston It looks attractive, but… Those were the words from a friend of mine as she looked at the illustration accompanying one of my pet columns. It showed a cute white dog on a long leash walking far ahead of an older man holding the leash. It brought to mind a life-changing accident for my friend. She...

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Pets as Christmas Gifts

Animal Chatter By Iris Winston If you are thinking how your grandchild’s eyes will sparkle when you give her a puppy or kitten for Christmas, complete with a red bow round its neck, reconsider. The vision is appealing — for a moment. But the consequences could be really upsetting for the animal and for a family that may not be...

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Respect; You get what you give

Animal Chatter By Iris Winston As soon as Marnie, my Irish Setter, and I returned home after finishing a few errands, she raised her head and sniffed the air. Then she ran around, barking as she checked every room, looking for the stranger that she sensed/scented had been there while we were out. I knew from her reaction that...

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