Survey research and Focus Groups Fifty-Five Plus Focus Group 11. Please share your age with us Under 55 55 - 70 Over 70 22. Gender Male Female 3*3. Do you read for leisure? Yes No 3.1*Do you prefer a hard copy or a digital version? Hard copy Digital Version 4*4. Would you purchase a magazine? Yes No 4.1*Do you have a subscription to a magazine? Yes No 5*5. Would you pick up a free magazine? Yes No 6*6. Do you have a subscription to a newspaper? No Yes, I have a subscription to the Globe & Mail Yes, I have a subscription to the Citizen 7*7. Do you prefer shopping in-store or online? In-store Online 8*8. Do you open and read email newsletters? Yes No 8.1*Would you be inclined to open and read email newsletters if they are from a trusted source? Or if there is a chance to win a prize? Yes, From a trusted Source Yes, If there was a chance to win a prize No 9*9. When you visit a website do you notice advertisements? Yes No 10*10. Do you have a Facebook account? Yes No 10.1*How often do you use your Facebook account? Every day 2 to 3 times a week Once a week 2 to 3 times a month Once a month Less than once a month 11*11. Do you watch network television? Yes No 11.1*Do you watch network news? Yes No 12*12. Do you listen to the radio? Yes No 12.1*What radio stations do you listen to? Select all that apply. Hot 89.9 (CIHT-FM) Move 100.3 (CJMJ-FM) 580 CFRA News Talk Radio (CFRA) Live 88.5 (CILV-FM) Jump 106.9 (CKQB-FM) 106.1 CHEZ (CHEZ-FM) Kiss 105.3 (CISS-FM) boom 99.7 (CJOT-FM) 94 Ottawa's New Country (CKKL-FM) Jewel 98.5 (CJWL-FM) Rebel 101.7 (CIDG-FM) 92.3 Country (CKBY-FM) 13*13. Will you travel prior to a Covid-19 vaccine? Yes No 13.1*When will you travel? January February March April May June July August September October November December 13.2*Where will you travel? Canada United States of America Europe 14*14. Would you travel after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine? Yes No I will not get the vaccine 14.1*When would you travel? January February March April May June July August September October November December 14.2*Where would you travel? Canada United States of America Europe 15*15. Would you attend a large event (concert, trade show, sporting venue) after receiving a covid vaccine? Yes No 15.1*When would you feel comfortable attending a large event (concert, trade show, sporting venue)? Less than a month 1-6 months 6-12 months Over 1 year 16*16. When you're ready to downsize, would you consider renting? Yes No 17*17. Have you, or would you, research a retirement community for an aging family member? Yes No 18*18. Do you plan on any home renovations in the next 12 months? Yes No