
Summer Fruit Salad Rolls

*This recipe is courtesy of Ontario Tender Fruit Growers

Fresh and light, these summer fruit salad rolls are packed with Ontario tender fruits. They can be served as a starter, dessert or snack.

Makes 6 servings (2 rolls each)

Salad Rolls:
2 Ontario pears, cored and thinly sliced
2 Ontario nectarines or peaches, pitted and thinly sliced
3 Ontario plums, pitted and thinly sliced
1/4 cup Ontario honey (60 mL)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh Ontario mint leaves (60 mL)
12 rice paper wraps
24 large fresh Ontario mint leaves
Coronation Grape Sauce:
1/4 cup water (60 mL)
2 tbsp cornstarch (30 mL)
4 cups Ontario coronation grapes (1 L)
1/2 cup granulated sugar (125 mL)
1/4 cup lemon juice (60 mL)
Pinch salt

Salad Rolls: Toss pears, nectarines/peaches and plums with honey and chopped mint. Soak a rice paper wrap in hot tap water for 10 seconds or until pliable; carefully transfer to a slightly damp kitchen towel. Arrange 2 mint leaves in the center of the wrap, leaving space on the sides. Top with some of the fruit mixture.

Firmly fold the bottom half of the wrap over the filling. Fold in the sides and roll up to completely enclose filling. Repeat with remaining fruit wraps. Store in the refrigerator, tightly covered with plastic wrap for up to 2 hours.

Cut in half, on an angle, before serving with Coronation Grape Sauce for dipping.

Coronation Grape Sauce: Whisk water with cornstarch until smooth; set aside. Add grapes, sugar, lemon juice and salt to a heavy-bottomed saucepan set over medium-high heat. Bring to a simmer, crushing fruit with potato masher to release its juice. Boil, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. Stir in cornstarch mixture. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 1 to 2 minutes or until thickened. Pass through a fine meshed-sieve; discard solids. Cool completely.

Tip: Use any leftover coronation grape dipping sauce as a fruit sauce to finish a dessert or serve over vanilla ice cream, waffles or pancakes.

Nutritional Information:
1 serving (1/6th of recipe, with 2 rolls per serving and 1/4 cup sauce per serving)
PROTEIN: 1 gram
FAT: 0.5 grams
FIBRE: 2.5 grams
SODIUM: 15 mg