Home & Garden

Short-Cuts to Keeping Your House Cleaned for Longer

Cleaning your house can be tough. But, what is tougher is to keep it clean and shiny. Especially when you have pets and babies inside the house. You might have to get stuck in a never-ending cycle of cleaning your house. Ultimately resulting in pure exhaustion.

So, we are here to help you get out of this miserable situation. With our tried and tested formula; you get to keep your house clean all week long. So, without further ado; let’s get into the topic.

Clean Your Garage and Keep It Well-Closed

One of the hidden criminals that destroy the cleanliness of your house is the dust and pollution from your garage. If not kept well sealed; the dust can enter your house and mess up your day.

So, try your best at all times to keep your garage as clean as you can and keep them shut. Make sure that there are no air pockets between your garage and your house.

You better get protective layers between these two to ensure that the air passage is sealed off.

Apply Instant Clean Formula around the House

One of the main problems while cleaning your house is that there’s always too much to do. This can be overcome if you plan your cleaning strategy accordingly.

Place cleaning supplies on frequently occupied spot. Like the dining table, the entrance, the drawing-room and so on. You can instantly clean up the place as soon as you see it getting dirty. You will ensure longer lasting cleanliness like this.

Invest More on Carpet Cleaners

One of the most wonderful attractions in your house is the carpet. It is also one that contains most of the dirt. Your carpet can accumulate dirt over time and at the end, it could become impossible to clean the carpet.

So, you need to find the right equipment and supplies to clean your carpet. There are specific brands of carpet cleaner for home that is designed to tackle rough dirt marks and stains from the carpet. Invest in those options to get maximum benefits.

Make Doormats Your Dearest Friend

No, we are not just talking about the doormat in front of the main entrance. Everyone has one of those. You have to step up your game a little if you want to keep the dirt out of your house.

It is always a good idea to have doormats in front of every room. This way, you can keep each room clean from the dirt of your shoes and feet. This is a good technique and allows the room to stay clean for longer.

Btw, you should also keep one in front of the bathroom door as well.

Make Conscious Choices While Placing the Furniture

Placing your furniture in the right place and with the right technique is very essential. There is some furniture which needs more sunlight so placing them near the window would keep away the dirt and fungi from the furniture.

Another furniture like the sofa is hard to move. So, you should consider placing them in a place where you can access the back of the furniture to clean it. So, to keep your room clean; you must properly place the furniture.

Keep things In Order and Teach Kids to Do the Same

Keeping your house tidy can be difficult if you have kids with you. So, you have to lead by example. You should keep every station clean and make sure your kids see this.

Keep the dining table in the right order, the drawing-room clear of any toys, the kitchen shining all the (most of the) time. This will allow your kid to witness how you keep things clean and organized and they will mirror the behavior.

It will help you to keep your house cleaner.

Assign Small but Fixed Cleaning Tasks to the Family Member

You know what, you shouldn’t be the only one cleaning the house! Not only is it unfair, but it is also tiring. So, to keep the house fresh and clean all the time – you can assign different cleaning tasks to your family members.

Make sure that the tasks are very small.

But trust me, it all adds up. Someone should keep the sofas clean, someone’s task is to clean the carpet, someone should brush the ornaments and so on.

This will instantly bring a change inside your house.

Keep Your Pet Clean and Train Him/Her

Most of the dirt that you see inside the house could be traced back to your pet (if you have any). They shed a lot of skin and fur at the same time making the cleaning process more cumbersome.

So, you should have strict rules on when you should give your pet a bath. You can also take him/her outside the house and brush him/her properly.

Brushing regularly will get rid of all the excess amount of fur that he/she might shed inside the house.

Do Not Skip Laundry Day at Any Cause

There are a lot of things inside the house that needs to be washed. Aside from your regular clothing, you must also clean the carpets, the covers, the curtains, the veils and so on.

So, you must not skip laundry day as the longer you wait; the dirtier they become. Pick up a rhythm and habit of washing all the essentials and you will see the visible difference of washing on a regular basis.

Bonus: Have more napkins, placemat and table cloths at your disposal. You can rotate them around to make the best use of them. It will surely help you to stay cleaner inside the house.


Someone said it right, cleanliness is next to godliness. And, you should feel like a god as much as you can. We hope that these simple tricks will allow you to have a tidier and cleaner room.

You will definitely enjoy the freshness for a longer duration. No doubt about that! Let us know how this goes in the comment section below.

See you on the other side; Adios!