
Your letters

Sex and aging right on the mark
I read Peggy Edward’s column on sex and older age (“The Buzzards are Circling,” June, 2018). This information is needed, for sure. And, indeed, just because we’re older doesn’t mean we’ve lost our interest in sex. I’m still very interested but, like you, don’t have a partner, so as one of my friends says, “I live in the Land of the Hand.” I was curious that I didn’t see anything in the article about self-pleasuring. The information about being careful about STD’s is spot on. We think because we’re past the age of getting pregnant, we don’t need protection. Wrong. It is good to pass this message along as a reminder. As always, Peggy, you’re right on the mark.

Claire (an avid Fifty-Five Plus reader)
Ottawa, ON

Captivating Jann
I absolutely loved reading “Irrepressible Jann Arden” by Pam Dillon (July/August 2018). I found myself captivated by the candour in which Arden conveyed her experiences of love and loss while caring for her parents. Her strength and resilience are inspiring. It was meaningful to gain a glimpse into the life of the celebrated Canadian songstress who has left a profound impression on legions of fans with her lyrics and now the sharing of these profound experiences.

Ayah Victoria McKhail
Toronto, ON