by Dan Lalande
Imagine Ottawa without its architectural iconography. Strip its streets of the Parliament Buildings, the Chateau Laurier, the Aberdeen Pavilion and other cultural touchstones synonymous with the city. Imagine the disconnect with our history, our aesthetic, our civic and national pride. Imagine the blow to patriotism, tourism and our international standing.

Next, imagine a dedicated and growing group of conscientious, appreciative and demonstrative citizens actively ensuring the preservation and enhancement of our impressive, varied and important exoskeleton, letting Ottawa be Ottawa through volunteer-based awareness, education and advocacy.
Now, imagine you as a part of it.
For almost 60 years, Heritage Ottawa has been championing the protection and stewardship of Ottawa’s infrastructural legacy. Heritage Ottawa is an award-winning, not-for-profit grassroots initiative, the largest one in the city devoted to architectonic preservation. As its impressive list of “wins” against desecration or demolition attests—for an impressive sample size, see the 50 Years-50 Stories section of its website posted in conjunction with its 50th anniversary in 2017—the organization is proof positive that “You can’t fight City Hall!” is defeatist nonsense and that “Power to the People!” isn’t an outdated Baby Boomer catchphrase.
“Supporting Heritage Ottawa helps ensure that the organization continues to have the ability to speak out for places at risk,” says president Katherine Spencer Ross. “By repurposing historic places, they remain relevant, not trampled and sent to landfill.” In addition, she points out, their adaptation to new uses visibly promotes environmental sustainability.
This respected, registered charity doggedly pursues its mandate through a number of initiatives: a popular lecture series, seasonal walking tours and a variety of events and workshops, all bringing out the sparkle of Ottawa’s structural jewels. In addition, Heritage Ottawa puts out a series of publications teeming with in-depth knowledge about what it proudly calls “Ottawa’s special places,” gleaned from the organizationally supported Gordon Cullingham Research and Publication Grant.
Heritage Ottawa also puts out a quarterly newsletter, profiling designated establishments and updating members on current initiatives and organizational status. Its annual reports are also a matter of public record.
As active board member Linda Hoad, who has been involved with Heritage Ottawa for over 15 years, reminds her fellow citizens, “Built heritage is important to our sense of place and reminds us of the people and events that shaped our neighbourhoods. Change is inevitable, but Heritage Ottawa strives to conserve important features of our past while adapting to new challenges.”

As for its own history, Heritage Ottawa began, naturally, in Canada’s centennial year, when a small group of like-minded citizens formed the protective wing of a new organization: A Capital for Canadians. While rooted in patriotic fever, this offshoot was also a response to the mania for modernization sweeping North America. Almost every city, Ottawa included, was making plans for reinvention, the kind that favours function over form. Both the East Block of the Parliament Buildings and the historic Billings Estate were slated for dramatic facelifts. They were saved from that ignominy by the goodwill and hard work of Heritage Ottawa.The organization has been chalking up victories ever since.
Today, Heritage Ottawa boasts over 600 members. But with another city-wide development boom on the horizon, reinforcements are required. If you’re a fan of local history, architecture, and/or design, Heritage Ottawa’s doors are open to you, just as the doors of the many buildings it has helped to protect are opened annually as part of Doors Open Ottawa, a popular event Heritage Ottawa has helped bring to the city.

By 2027, the organization’s 60th anniversary, Heritage Ottawa is looking to expand to 1,000 participants. As one, this formidable force will bring added legitimacy, political firepower and increased attention to Ottawa’s properties at risk. While all ages are invited to sign up, it’s a golden opportunity for the city’s retirees, who can help to preserve the surroundings they’ve worked so hard to enjoy.
“Volunteering has expanded my knowledge in so many areas and introduced me to many new skills,” beams Linda. “I have made long-lasting connections with others engaged in the same work.” Those unable to offer their time can support the work of Heritage Ottawa by buying a membership or making a donation or bequeathment, options offered through the website. City founders built an emblematic masterpiece. Heritage Ottawa builds the community that honours it.
To become a member, make a donation and/or volunteer for Heritage Ottawa, click on the “Join Us” banner at