Our Clients will tell you: Advertising in Fifty-Five Plus Magazine makes an impact in the lucrative, growing mature market. You can count on getting results. The proof is in the response.
Our readers are active consumers. They are financially well-off, their houses and cars are paid in full and the kids are finally gone. Now it’s their time to spend, to travel, to focus on their own health and well-being and to embrace all life has to offer.
We will work closely with your organization to educate and inform our readers. Here are a few of the partnership categories that allow you to maximize your message, using editorial content tailored to your needs.
Fifty-Five Plus offers a diverse mix of advertising and editorial content to appeal to a broad range of people in the mature market.
Readers look to Fifty-Five Plus for ads and information about a wide variety of topics, including health, travel and finance, fashion, sports, computers, home improvements, wellness alternatives,
Whatever your message, let us know how we can help you reach our 2,000,000 annual readers.
We’re here to make a difference!