By Robert L. Dilenschneider | Citadel Press
Age is no barrier to success. This is the overall message of this book. The rules of the business world are being rewritten—again—and people over 50 need to refresh their skillsets to meet the challenge of competing in a changing job market. Renowned workplace communications expert, Robert L. Dilenschneider, has completely revised and updated this indispensable guide to getting ahead in today’s volatile economy. 50 Plus! offers essential guidance to help those at or near the mature stage of their careers. Particularly helpful are the “how-to” chapters, including, how to move up in your profession; how to do your own public relations; and how to determine when it is time to change your job. In this, the author’s third book focused on advice to persons in specific age groups, he devotes more time to the tactics, strategies, rewards, and pitfalls of striking out on your own. Throughout this latest work, the author not only tells the reader “how to do it,” but his consistently upbeat approach also leaves one with the feeling that “it can be done.”